Saturday, May 16, 2009

Writing Exercise: Shark Diet

"What are you doing for dinner tonight, Sam?"

"I don't know. The doctor told Mom that I need more variety in my diet."

"Why? What have you been eating?"

"Mostly octopus. Mom keeps trying to get me to try more things, but I'm not really interested so I just bump the food with my nose and look for something else."

"Do you think you might be anorexic or bulimic? I know that Suzy has an eating disorder brought on by eating a gasoline canister."

"Don't think so, but I am wondering if maybe that time when I tried to eat a human, it was so disgusting that it took my wanting to try new things away. I am so afraid that the next time I try a new food that it will turn out to be horrible too. I will never forget the nasty taste in my mouth from that."

" Know what you mean. I've tried some really tasteless and indigestion causing things too. The time I ate a license plate and a chunk of chain I was sick for three days."

"You know, I'm getting hungry talking about food. What do you say we get a salad? I see a sea cucumber just ahead."

"A salad? You, a Great White Shark, eat salad? I can certainly see why your mom took you to the doctor."

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