Thursday, August 6, 2009

National Health Care Questions

1. Who will receive it?

2. Who will pay for it? How?

3. Who will benefit most?

4. If person is on a poverty level, with just making ends meet, how will they afford to have more taken out of their check?

5. Who would most likely suffer?

6. How will it impact the terminally ill, handicapped, or elderly?

7. How will it drive the cost of health care down--or will it?

8. How will it affect those who are currently paying for health care, or getting health care from their employers?

9. Wouldn't it be more attractive to employers to encourage their employees to take this instead of having company sponsored insurance?

10. What will be the safeguards against abuse both by doctors and patients?

11. Will there be a cap on care for an individual?

12. There are currently doctors who refuse to take Medicare/Medicaid patients, would that happen with this plan?

13. How would this impact Medicare and Medicaid?

14. Would this force patients to see a less qualified doctor than those who carry their own insurance?

15. Would this generate so much paperwork that it might be counterproductive?

16. Other countries have socialized medicine, have we considered their experiences?

I wonder if these questions have been addressed in the course of planning. It could be catastrophic if we rush to implement a plan that is poorly conceived. Success or failure could literally make or break our country, and most assuredly the current administration.

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