I've been thinking. Remember when we were kids and we knew kids who had invisible friends. If, as an adult, I had an invisible friend, I think I would name him Phil. I realize that Phil is a guy's name and that I probably should pick a female pretend person's name, but maybe I could have two pretend friends. I will stick to Phil for now, though, at least until I get to know him better. Let's see what Phil might be interested in. Phil is an intellectual and enjoys culture and history as much as I do. He wants to have fun, but learn something new too. He is well set financially which is great because he loves to travel and see new places and make new friends. The thing that drew me to Phil is that he makes me feel important and included. Phil and I are soul mates, of course, being a pretend made up person, he would be. I can talk to him about anything and he knows just how to respond. Unlike so many guys I've met, he doesn't try to "fix" things unless I want him to. I am thinking about taking him with me when I go to a movie next week. It is some much more fun to share adventures with someone, than to just go alone. Phil enjoys a nice dinner out now and again, but is an awesome cook and likes to experiment in the kitchen too. He and I cook together. He would rather go to a museum than a sports event and I like that. There is still so much I need to learn about Phil, but since he is a pretend person, I can make him into whatever I like.
Sometimes I wish pretend people were real and I suppose that somewhere there is a real Phil that is very much like my pretend one. In fact, his name may be different than Phil.
Sorry guys because my brain goes constantly, I do a lot of "what if" thinking. I really don't have a pretend friend, but if I did, it would be Phil.
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