We now face these sunset years kissed by changing colors as our sun makes its way off the horizon.
I see the ring I placed on your finger so many years ago and the promises it embraced. (”In sickness and in health,…’til death do we part.”)
Watching The Notebook made us cry, and we wondered if that would be us.
Yes, we forget things sometimes, however, the day we married, and the happiness of our life together becomes more evident even as our memory of the recent past grows blurred.
We are slow with the fatigue of years, holding hands, shaking with age,
But gazing into your eyes, I see the beauty of our love traced in the lines on your face.
The rough times fade into the distance and the wonderful times rise like oil on water.
I wish you to know that my love for you has grown as the years have passed, and you are more beautiful to me now than on our wedding day.
Now, we walk hand in hand watching our sun go down, facing the fading of our day.
Like a fairytale, I see our story ending, and like the fairytale, it can be said, “And they lived happily ever after”.
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