I heard one teen say that movies with only one superhero are not worth watching. Why might one need these superheroes? Perhaps we need them because they look so cute in those spandex outfits, or because we need rescuing from something. Life can get pretty complicated and there are times when we get into situations that we could use help. What type of superhero do you think would work best? Superman seems to cover a lot of bases. Maybe one that could use an icy freeze ray, throw lightning/fire, stretch a long distance, climb the side of a building, or transform into a fighting machine would work. All this talk of superhuman powers remind me of the Greek and Roman gods and the things they were purported to be able to do.
I'm thinking that we like to lean on superheroes because life seems overwhelming and it would be easier to have a superhero rescue us than to "take the bull by the horns" and take the needed action ourselves. Face it, life can be terrifying at times, but it also can be wonderful. Taking responsibility for our destiny empowers us. Granted, things may not work out the way we hoped, but look at all the amazing things you have experienced and learned along the way.
So, I guess we could do without a superhero. What do you think? Actually what I REALLY could use is a knight in shining armor.
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