Friday, November 29, 2019

Warning:The Emerging Church

Faith Undone: Book Thoughts 
Roger Oakland 
The Emerging Church  

Imagine my surprise to find that Peter Drucker, the management guru, had a major hand in the formation of what is now known as the Emerging Church. I guess management by objectives is useful there too. What is not useful is to turn the church into a business model by a person who is enamored with mysticism.  

This emerging church considers today’s Christianity too individualistic, with too much emphasis on a heavenly kingdom and not enough on the kingdom of God on earth here and now. Joel Osteen captured the “new” concept in the title of his book, “Your Best Life Now”. These emergent leaders reject terms like the plan of salvation and asking Jesus to be Lord of your life. 

The emerging church idea is not just a new way of doing church, it is literally a new belief system. Doctrine, as we who have grown up in the traditional church know it, here would be minimized. There becomes more of an experiential (a move from faith to experiences of feeling) faith encounter, than a faith based personal relationship with Jesus. Those who attend these churches will think that what they are receiving from the church is truth, because it makes them feel good. 
Consider that the proponents of this emerging church concept are well known church leaders who have published books through what we all consider Christian publishing houses, like Baker, Zondervan (Zondervan is now owned by Fox News, by the way) and others. Perhaps the moral of the story here is that just because a book is published by a “Christian” publisher doesn’t mean that it might not be heretical. The problem is, that it does mean that the Christian who does not wish to be deceived, has to be extra wary. One might have second thoughts when purchasing materials from: 

  • Bill Hybels 
  • Rick Warren, known for his “Purpose Driven Life” book 
  • Tony Campolo 
  • M. Scott Peck, “A Road Not Taken” 
  • Dan Kimball 
  • Brian McLaren 
  • Mark Driscoll 
  • Rob Bell 
  • Richard Foster, “Celebration of Discipline” 
  • Aldous Huxley 
  • Beth Moore 
  • Charles Swindoll 

The Emerging Church is attempting, and unfortunately succeeding, in building a bridge into the New Age movement. The Hindu (yoga) and Buddhist concepts of having a christ consciousness, rather than Jesus living with, has the emerging church looking more like every other religion on earth, instead of Jesus being the only way to God, man is made into a god. 

The measure of success to the pastors of the world has become the numbers of people who are coming to their church, rather than those who are listening and obeying God’s word. Thus, is born the megachurch. The emerging church has the culture forming the church, rather than the church impacting the culture. We are called to be separate from the world, and evangelizing the world, not to be working to try to create a “heaven on earth”. The message of the Church, they would argue, should be go “fit” the culture. What used to be about beliefs (justification by faith, for example) would now be about behavior. 
This emerging church is harking back to the time when the church was part of the Roman Catholic tradition, even to including the Catholic icons, incense, liturgy and sacraments. They have put an emphasis on the Eucharistic Jesus. The Eucharistic Jesus is experiencing Christ through the sacrament of communion, via transubstantiation or the concept that the bread and wine actually become the body and blood of Christ. This is basically, a re-sacrifice of Christ each time it is done. Wasn’t Christ sacrifice one for all? I think so and the Bible says so. 
The worship service within the emerging church is filled with multi-sensory experiences. The sanctuaries are darkened, candles, icons, incense and whatever may work to give multi-sensory stimulation. One of the promoted ideas is the Labyrinth. It is a maze-like structure used for contemplative prayer. Small deal, that it originated from pagan practices. The idea is to empty your mind and “center” it in order reach God’s presence by the time you reach the center of the labyrinth. Another concept being promoted is the drumming circle, which is used to put an individual into a mystical state. What was once considered New Age and of the occult has become acceptable within the church. 

Contemplative prayer may be part of not only the labyrinth, but of everyday life, to one of the emerging church adherents. This type of prayer seeks a meditative state brought on by the repetition of individual words or phrases or focusing on the breath on an object. Blanking out the mind and participating in this contemplative prayer has long been an Eastern religious practice and has the underlying premise that God is in all things and in all people (panentheism).  Richard Foster admits that contemplative prayer has the possibility to take the pray-er into demonic realms. Great. The emergent leaders embrace mysticism, which, being occult, is definitely, addressed in the Bible as being forbidden. 

Basically, all paths lead to God. Doesn’t anyone think about Jesus saying, “No man comes to the Father, but by Me” and “I am the way, the truth and the life”? To quote Rob Bell, “We’re rediscovering Christianity as an Eastern religion”.  
The emerging church finds talking or thinking about the end times and Jesus coming back is the wrong way to look at things. They will attempt to convince people that Christ is already within them as a global christ-consciousness. They condemn those who believe Jesus will return for His people. Besides, man will evolve into “godliness” and the positive thought will avert the end of the world, if you follow the New Age teaching. 

Tony Campolo likens those who believe the Bible as being as bad as terrorists. All in all, Jesus has been reduced to the status of a good teacher and role model, not as the Son of God He is. 
One of the concerning ideas of the emerging church is that they are teaching converts from other religions that they can keep their religion and just add Jesus to the mix. The Roman Catholic church has done this for years. I personally saw it on Guam. I’m sure you have not been immune to hearing the phrase, “we worship the same God”. Not true. I call your attention to the one of the Ten Commandments that specifically says, “Have no other gods before Me.” If we, indeed worship all the same god, that would mean, that even in Moses’ time there would have been no need for that specific Commandment. 

Emerging church guru, Brian McLaren rejects Christ’s atonement because that would say that God is vindictive. The Bible has been reduced to be not a product of Divine inspiration or authority. The New Age sees the atonement as at-one-ment or humanity’s oneness and equality with God. This seems to cause a recall of what the Serpent said to Eve, “You shall be as God”. So, where do you think this at-one-ment idea really comes from? 
In a nutshell, emergent Christianity says, we are justified by works rather than by grace, embraces mysticism, and altered states of consciousness and that we are all gods. Those who maintain a true biblical view are weird and a threat to society.  
We should expect to see signs and wonders, more attention to Mary and even manifestations of Jesus begin to abound.  

(Matthew 24:23) “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. (24) For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. (25) See, I have told you beforehand. 
(2 Corinthians 11:2) For I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy; for I betrothed you to one husband, so that to Christ I might present you as a pure virgin. (3) But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. (4) For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted… (13) For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising  themselves as apostles of Christ. (14) No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. (15) Therefore, it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds. 

Here are some examples of those signs and wonders that are already out there. It is difficult to dismiss something when the person has actually seen it, however, consider the source and ask, is this a deception? 

Are you part of one of the Emerging Churches? Chances are you were not aware of what changes actually have been made to the true gospel. What will you do? 

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Measure of Today's Church

 **God will judge the church first (Ezekiel 9:6) 
The church today faces challenges from the culture, just as the early church had to deal with the Gnostics and Nicolaitans. Today we face that, and more. The line between culture and true Biblical Christianity has become so difficult to see, only the most discerning and persistent will see it. So many do not seek out for themselves, like the Bereans, what the Bible truly says, and they are easily led into heresy. Why do you think so many are enamored by the megachurch and by certain people who pass themselves off as speaking for God? I wonder if it is that the “leaders” promise wealth, health and an easy life. Really? Think about Jesus for a second. Did He promise all those things? No, He promised family turning against family, trials, tribulations, and challenges. Did today’s church forget that Jesus told the rich young man to sell everything he had and give it to the poor? Did Peter and Paul or even Jesus become millionaires as a result of their preaching? No. So, why would our churches of today expect anything less than what Peter, Paul and Jesus expected? There also is a focus on miracles/power today. I am not saying that God does not do miracles. I just wonder how He feels about being “ordered” around and frankly, the way some approach using “word of faith” smacks closely to using a spell to get what they want. There is definitely room for praying in faith and believing God, but are we doing as James 4, verse 3 says, “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”? 
 As I read through these items that are impacting the church, I begin to question some things I have been taught as being from God. For example, where in the Bible does someone pray for another, touch them on their forehead and they are “slain in the Spirit”? I can recall no Biblical instance, however, there are several instances in New Age type practice. I certainly need to pray about this and seek clarity from God. I do know that Paul says to not lay hands on just anyone, why? Is it because spirits can be transferred by touch (as in evilness)? So many questions and Satan counterfeits.   
Remember how the serpent promised Eve that she would become as a god? How many practices in the church need to be scrutinized and held up to see if they are aligning with the Bible or with the culture? The church needs to come back to where they should be Biblically or it will not go well when Jesus returns. There will be many who will say, “Lord, Lord,” and cannot figure out why they will not be entering the Kingdom. Study these following items and consider any changes that need to be made.  
I have been thinking about the music we have allowed into the church also. Is there some that is unscriptural, but we like the tune, so we sing it? In this day and age, we have to be SO careful what we allow. Pray for the church. It is more critical than ever that we be walking the “straight and narrow” way and not get enticed into the easier, broad way. Pray for discernment. It is so easy to get lead astray and not even know it. There is a lack today of churches teaching Basic Christian Beliefs, things like the deity of Christ, monotheism, salvation by faith and not works, by grace and not merit, the death and resurrection of Jesus for human sin, and the virgin birth. If the Christian has no strong concept of doctrine, it makes it easy to be influenced and “sucked in” by these false doctrines.  
We should be asking these questions: 
  • Is someone’s teaching within orthodoxy or is it contrary to one of the essentials of the faith? 
  • Is it probably untrue even though it still affirms all of the primary and secondary essentials of the faith? 
  • Is it definitely off base while affirming the primary and secondary essentials?  
Just because a teaching sounds good doesn’t exactly make it true and good. The more often you listen to a false teaching the more likely you will begin to believe it. If it leaves a question in your spirit, pray and ask God for discernment. I attended a church for a short time that I had a question about their teaching, but couldn’t figure out why I was feeling uneasy every time I went. One of the pastors would give a message in tongues and EVERY time I felt like it was not from God. There were some other things that were happening that God showed me was an expression of the Kundalini spirit. The last time I attended the church, the pastor was talking about how Joseph was working in the kitchen with the baker at Pharoah’s house. He looked right at me and had a sneering smile as I shook my head to let him know I didn’t agree. The rest of the people were saying, “Yes” and doing weird dances in the aisles. Needless to say, I did not go back. Honestly, it would have been easy for me to just think what was going on was similar to what happens at a Pentecostal church, and I am sure that if I had continued to attend, I would have been seriously in danger spiritually. 
New Age 
The New Age teaches that we are divine and that Jesus is either merely a wise, human teacher or something quasi-divine. 
  • A common tactic is to quote scripture out of context to support their beliefs. 
  • Truth is what “resonates” with you and “do as you will”. 
  • Sees God as an impersonal force rather than as a personal Father. 
  • In the New Age movement, the Second Coming of Jesus is believed to be a metaphor for the arrival of “Christ Consciousness” within each person who awakens to his or her identity as God. 
  • Teaches that all spiritual paths are equal in validity. 
  • The Bible teaches that Jesus is the only Way. 
  • 22% of professing Christians believe in reincarnation. 
  • The New Age is about glorifying yourself and Christianity is about glorifying God. (308) 
  • The lie of the New Age movement is that salvation is liberation from suffering and is accomplished through self-realization.  (The Second Coming of the New Age, Steven Bancarz and Josh Peck, 2018) 

  • Yoga 
  • What is yoga? For many in the West, yoga is simply a system of physical exercise, a means of strengthening the body, improving flexibility, and even healing or preventing a variety of bodily ailments. But if we inquire into the history and philosophy of yogawe discover that “much more than a system of physical exercise for health, Yoga is . . . [an] ancient path to spiritual growth.” 
  • We see that yoga is an ancient spiritual discipline deeply rooted in the religion of Hinduism. 
  • The goal of yoga is to experience union with “God.” Most yogis conceive of “God” as an impersonal, spiritual substance, coextensive with all of reality. This doctrine is called pantheism, the view that everything is “God.” 
  • Since yoga philosophy teaches that everything is “God,” it necessarily follows that man, too, is “God.” 
  • Yoga conceives man’s problem primarily in terms of ignorance; man, simply doesn’t realize that he is “God.” The solution is enlightenment, an experience of union with “God.” This solution (which is the goal of yoga) can only be reached through much personal striving and effort. 
  • Many yogis warn that yoga practice can endanger one’s sanity 
  • From a Christian perspective it seems that yoga could also be spiritually harmful 
  • Swami Ajaya once said, “The main teaching of Yoga is that man’s true nature is divine.”{26} Obviously, this is not the Christian view of man. But if the goal of yoga is to realize one’s essential divinity through union with “God,” then shouldn’t the Christian view the practice that leads to this realization as potentially spiritually harmful? 
  • Dave Fetcho, formerly of the Ananda Marga Yoga Society, has written, “Physical yoga, according to its classical definitions, is inheritably and functionally incapable of being separated from Eastern religious metaphysics.”{27} What’s more, yoga authorities Feuerstein and Miller, in discussing yoga postures (asana) and breathing exercises (pranayama), indicate that such practices are more than just another form of physical exercise; indeed, they “are psychosomatic exercises.” 
  • Christians should not practice yoga since the intention of yoga is a path to attain salvation through union with a false deity.  Some Christians practice yoga and say that all Christians can practice yoga.  But that is incorrect. Christians should not be involved in any meditative methodology that deals with energy balancing, focused energy movement, chakras, etc., of which yoga advocates. 
  • Yoga originated with a blatantly anti-Christian philosophy, and that philosophy has not changed. It teaches one to focus on oneself instead of on the one true God. It encourages its participants to seek the answers to life's difficult questions within their own consciousness instead of in the Word of God. It also leaves one open to deception from God's enemy, who searches for victims whom he can turn away from God (1 Peter 5:8). 
  • The essence of Yoga is to reach oneness with God. (Peck, 313) 

  • Silva Mind Control 
  • Silva Mind Control – now known as the Silva Method – incorporates a variety of occult practices such as clairvoyance and the development of psychic abilities, the use of spirit guides, visualization and guided imagery, as well as very New Age mind control techniques. 
  • Silva claims that anyone who takes his 48-hour course will develop psychic powers, will learn how to enter an altered state of consciousness and in that state be allowed to tap into a higher intelligence in the universe (known as “Christ consciousness”). After completing the course, the person will be able to function psychically and clairvoyantly, and be taught how to invite “counselors” or “psychic guides” into the mind to help them with problems. 
  • It should also be understood that the use of information gleaned through occult means such as spirit guides or what Silva refers to as “psychic guides” is considered to be a sin of idolatry and/or sorcery. 
  • Other huge problems associated with Silva’s Mind Control teaching is his assertion that Jesus Christ was an “enlightened man” who used “mind over matter” techniques like the Silva Method when performing His miracles 
  • Other problematic teachings for Christians concern sin, which Silva explains away as ignorance or failing to think properly. 
  • Meditation 
  • Biblical meditation is not: 
    • Sitting with an empty mind 
    • Mindlessly repeating a single word or phrase to gain some sort of altered state 
    • Burning candles, or sitting calmly on a rug, or listening to sonorous music 
    • Practicing yoga 
    • Biblical meditation isn’t even primarily for relaxation, although you may find it calming and comforting. It’s not about controlling your breathing, although there may be times when deep breaths are helpful. It’s never mindless; instead meditation means that your mind is focused on God and his Word. 
    • The goal of meditation is to tap into a universal energy force at the heart of nature rather than to communicate personally with a transcendent creator. 
  • Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment, which one can develop through the practice of meditation and through other training. Mindfulness is derived from sati, a significant element of Buddhist traditions, and based on Zen, Vipassanā, and Tibetan meditation techniques. Individuals who have contributed to the popularity of mindfulness in the modern Western context include Thích Nhất Hạnh, Herbert Benson, Jon Kabat-Zinn, and Richard J. Davidson. 
  • Mindfulness is being taught in many schools to “calm” the students. 
  • And while there are plenty of places where biblical thinking and responsiveness to life situations call us to govern our minds and emotions, the fact that the roots of mindfulness practice remain in the Zen worldview can’t be reconciled with biblical faith. At the heart of Zen mindfulness is the understanding that we are connected to the cosmos in a holistic way and that meditation actuates that connectedness. That is Zen reality. But in truth—biblical truth—we are distinct individuals created as image bearers, not of the cosmos, but of a Personal God who is the determiner of the reality we engage. Zen is an escape from true reality, not an engagement with it. 
  • Astrology is the ancient belief that a person’s destiny can be determined by patterns of stars and planets at the time of one’s birth. A horoscope then tries to interpret this destiny. Read more at 
  • Astrology and horoscopes are pretty offensive to God’s teachings. It attributes God’s hard work to stars and planets. 
  • The Bible also explicitly forbids divination, sorcery and hidden arts (Deuteronomy 18:10-14). The actual word for astrology in the Hebrew language literally means, 'divining the heavens'. Since astrology is a supernatural or mystical practice of divination, it is severely condemned in God's word. Therefore, even horoscope columns are rooted in sorcery. They may be marketed in trendy magazines with the latest slang, but this packaging is deceptive. If you take reading horoscopes lightly or "in fun," you are denying that horoscopes are possibly dangerous.  
  • In the Deuteronomy passage, God warns us against divination, sorcery, spiritism and interpreting omens; such systems are not from Him. Divination is actually regarded to be a grave sin in other passages as well. In 1 Samuel 15:23 it reads, "Rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry." To read horoscopes is to take God's Word lightly and is trifling with the occult.  
  • The roots of astrology are from ancient paganism, where they worshipped planets as gods. Astrology is a true form of “fellowship with the unfaithful works of darkness” (Ephesians 5:11). Most astrologers are also involved in other New Age practices, such as tarot cards, numerology, spirit guides and the like. Consulting with an astrologer on your horoscope is being receptive of spiritual worldviews that do not align with God’s teachings. Divination was common among the pagan peoples of the Bible lands. When the Israelites were about to enter the Promised Land of Canaan, God warned them not to practice astrology.  
  • While horoscopes can seem like harmless fun, they are actually a trick by Satan. He is packaging it in a way that actually slowly takes us away from God and His teachings. Horoscopes should not be read by Christians, and instead we should place our faith in our future by communicating with God.  
Spirit guides 
  • Spirit guides, which in Scripture are described as “familiar spirits,” are a common factor in New (Age) Spirituality practices. Many times, these spirit guides are acquired through mystical meditation, either purposely or unexpectedly. Communication or use of familiar spirits is forbidden in Deuteronomy 18:10-11: “Therefore shall not be found among you any one… (who is) a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard…” 
  • Familiar spirits are simply demonic entities which commonly manifest themselves as “angels of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15) and are believed to be beneficial and benevolent by those involved with them. 
  • Another method of acquiring spirit guides is through an-other New (Age) Spirituality practice—Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) a form of energy healing. It incorporates the assistance of spirit guides, whether the practitioners choose to acknowledge them or not. 
  • The general idea is that there exist benevolent spirits who desire to help people or “guide” them through life. Belief in spirit guides is commonly associated with New Age, pagan, and spiritualistic belief systems. The term spirit guide is not always used, as they are also called “ascended masters” or “unseen helpers.” Automatic writing, dream states, hypnotism, and meditation are all practices related to spirit guides. Also, terms such as magic circlescenteringiridologycrystalsself-actualization, and positive affirmation are often associated with spirit guides. The goal of contacting a spirit guide is usually to discover some secret wisdom and rise to a higher level of consciousness. 
  • Despite the claims of New Age practitioners, spirit guides are anything but benevolent. They are not the spirits of dear, departed loved ones, nor are they ascended masters who have crossed over some mystical plane. They are what the Bible calls “familiar spirits” (Leviticus 20:27, NKJV). They don’t announce their evil nature but portray themselves as beneficial. Second Corinthians 11:14–15 says, “Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So, it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.” Satan’s lies are most effective when they look and sound like the truth, when they seem helpful. Spirit guides are actually demonic spirits who masquerade as helpers in order to trap and destroy people with false teachings and occult practices. 
  • Transhumanism 
  • Transhumanism (abbreviated as H+ or h+) is an international philosophical movement that advocates for the transformation of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies to greatly enhance human intellect and physiology.[1][2] 
  • Although many transhumanists are atheistsagnostics, and/or secular humanists, some have religious or spiritual views.[34] Despite the prevailing secular attitude, some transhumanists pursue hopes traditionally espoused by religions, such as immortality,[69] while several controversial new religious movements from the late 20th century have explicitly embraced transhumanist goals of transforming the human condition by applying technology to the alteration of the mind and body, such as Raëlism.[72] However, most thinkers associated with the transhumanist movement focus on the practical goals of using technology to help achieve longer and healthier lives, while speculating that future understanding of neurotheology and the application of neurotechnology will enable humans to gain greater control of altered states of consciousness, which were commonly interpreted as spiritual experiences, and thus achieve more profound self-knowledge.[73] Transhumanist Buddhists have sought to explore areas of agreement between various types of Buddhism and Buddhist-derived meditation and mind-expanding neurotechnologies.[74] However, they have been criticized for appropriating mindfulness as a tool for transcending humanness.[75] 
  • In fact, following this line of thinking, human beings have a moral imperative to take charge of their own evolutionary progress and expedite the process: "Transhumanist philosophers argue that there not only exists a perfectionist ethical imperative for humans to strive for progress and improvement of the human condition but that it is possible and desirable for humanity to enter a transhuman phase of existence, in which humans are in control of their own evolution. In such a phase, natural evolution would be replaced with deliberate change." (WikipediaIf achieved, the desired result would be the attainment of a "posthuman" status, akin to nirvana: "Transhumanist thinkers predict that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label 'posthuman.' Transhumanism is therefore sometimes referred to as 'posthumanism' or a form of transformational activism influenced by post humanist ideal." (Wikipedia) 

Jezebel Spirit 
  • Characteristics of the Jezebel Spirit: (sometimes called narcissism) 
  •  1. It is a satanic evil spirit. 
  •  2. The root of this spirit most often lies from hurt and pain bottled up within the carrier from childhood or unforgiveness from many hurts, pains, disappoints, abuse, etc. throughout the individual's life that has not been properly dealt with. This person was more than likely hurt by someone they loved, cared for, or trusted. The person carrying the jezebel spirit most often don’t know that they are carrying it because they have been deceived into believing that they are well and nothing is wrong. They most often deal with their hurts and pains by inflicting hurt and pain on others or getting others to sympathize with their pain to the point of bringing them under their control. They usually find people who have low-self-esteem, people who are genuinely loving God - minding their own business, and focus on the work that God has put in their hands, and people who lack discernment in regards to this spirit in particular. The carrier of this spirit usually has secrets bottled up inside of them in other words skeleton in their closet. Part of the reason why this person has not yet been freed from the evil spirit is because the evil spirit is dwelling in that darkness that is within them. A key to their freedom is to reveal or let the light shine on these secrets/skeletons that are in their closet. The person who desires to be free from this spirit MUST REPENT OPENLY BEFORE GOD and CONFESS THEIR FAULTS ONE TO ANOTHER AND PRAY, FOR THE FERVENT PRAYER OF THE RIGHTEOUS AVAILETH MUCH. 
  •  3. The carrier of this spirit seeks to control, manipulate, and intimidate all so that they can have their own way and pursue their own agenda. They are not satisfied if they are not in control of everyone and everything around them. They will go at any length to get total submission to their authority or they will leave or you have to get out. Out of their house, church, school, place of business, etc.  
  • 4. The carrier of this spirit usually takes great pride in their appearance, dresses seductively and provocatively, they are usually very attractive outwardly but eventually they begin to transform from the inside out looking like the very witch like spirit that is influencing/possessing them. 
  •  5. The carrier of this spirit rejoices in evil or the misfortune of others because they like others to be as miserable and unhappy as they are deep within themselves. 
  •  6. Carriers of this spirit do not have a genuine love relationship with God. As a matter of fact, they don’t know what the true meaning of Love is. 
  •  7. Carriers of this spirit are sexually perverted: fornicators, adulterers, lesbians, homosexuals, bestiality, etc. 
  •  8. Carriers of this spirit are very selfish and self-centered. They put their needs and wants above others and if they have children, their children will be neglected at their expense.  
  • 9. They are money lovers. They will do anything to get money even to the point of it being illegal and immoral, even to the point where they will neglect their own family and friends who care for and love them very much. 
  •  10. Carriers of this spirit likes the finer things in life and most often will not settle for anything less. They can never get enough or have enough. They are usually very materialistic. 
  •  11. Carriers of this spirit hate it when you ask them questions and will often make it seem like you are questioning their authority. Whenever you speak truth – they will most often avoid it or deny it and will seek to shut you up from speaking truth to them and around them. They will even go at lengths to shield or protect those who they have under their influence from hearing the truth. They will even try to block you and cut you off for FEAR of them (the Jezebel spirit) and their evil deeds being EXPOSED. 
  •  12. Carriers of this spirit are more interested in their self than anyone else. They will most often talk about themselves and rarely does anyone else get a word in the conversation. It’s all about them! 
  •  13. Carriers of this spirit have deep-seated HATE. Hate for themselves, hate for those who they have perceived to hurt them, hate for those who they believe is responsible for their misfortune. They don’t like to take responsibilities for their actions and if they do it will always be because so and so did this then that is why I did that. It’s always an eye for an eye. They seek revenge every chance they get! Their desire is to punish and inflict pain continuously.  
  • 14. Carriers of this spirit do not like to admit wrong because of PRIDE. They don’t admit their faults or wrong doing. They usually believe it to be the fault of everyone else involved and none of themselves. Jezebel spirits LOVES to play the VICTIM. Carriers of this spirit have a victim mentality. They like it when others feel sorry for them and they like to play on the emotions of others to have their own way. Sometimes they will be in abusive relationship – physical, mental, sexual, or spiritual abusive. If they should escape such a relationship and they not have Jesus Christ at the center of their lives they will become the abuser in current and future relationships. 
  •  15. Carriers of this spirit usually have recurring physical ailments because of the bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness that they abhor inside. They won’t let it go! They like others feeling sorry for them when they aren’t feeling well and most often use their ailments as a way of controlling their victims and getting what they want – promoting their agenda which is usually in complete opposition to the will of God. God created our bodies to heal itself and when we allow unhealthy things to go in and stay there the body will manifest unhealthy results such as sickness and diseases (cancer is the main one). 
  •  16. Carriers of this spirit will often find fault and criticize anyone and everyone because they have low-self-esteem and they are trying to make themselves feel better about themselves. 
  •  17. A true man or woman of God filled with the Spirit of God is usually hated, rejected, and despised by the carrier of the Jezebel Spirit.  
  • 18. Carriers of this spirit are a major hindrance to the body of Christ growth, maturity, and the furtherance of God’s Kingdom and His Will being done. In the Church they desire to promote their own agenda and at the same time God’s vision/will goes undone for the body. Contending with the Jezebel spirit is very tiring and just like the devil he/she will continue to fight for total control through manipulation or intimidation until they get it. It is never satisfied with second place. He/she has to be first and will try to sabotage anyone who gets in their way to get there. To defeat this spirit one must be prepared with the full armor of God, fight in fasting and prayer, praise, worship, repentance must be a continuous theme, the word of Truth must be boldly proclaimed, lies must be exposed, and you must confront that spirit with truth, boldness, consistency, and steadfastness. You have to CONFRONT the Jezebel spirit and DO NOT run away from it. Confront AND STAND AGAINST it with GODLY BOLDNESS, COURAGE, AND WITH THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH – THE HOLY SPIRIT. USE THE POWER, LOVE, AND SOUND MIND THAT GOD HAS GIVEN YOU AND DO NOT OPERATE IN THE SPIRIT OF FEAR. 
  •  19. Carriers of this spirit sometimes may appear to be friendly or on your side but secretly they are not and they don’t like you. 
  •  20. Carriers of this spirit are avid liars. They are pathological liars. They will go to any lengths by lying and even exaggerating matters to make themselves look better, more important, or more spiritual and holy-super holy than others. 
  •  21. Women Carriers of the Jezebel spirit usually don’t have a spouse, never been married, and or cannot keep a man. And if they do have a man or is married that man usually have an Ahab spirit (avoids confrontation; denies fault; is easily intimidated, manipulated, and controlled by her; doesn’t take responsibility for his actions; abdicates his authority; very weak and fearful; loves his position but fears confrontation, afraid of his spouse with the Jezebel spirit, looks for others to do his “dirty work;” doesn’t exercise his God-given authority.) 
  • 1. Refuses to admit guilt or wrong 
  • 2. Takes credit for everything 
  • 3. Uses people to accomplish its agenda 
  • 4. Withholds information 
  • 5. Talks in confusion. When confronting a Jezebel, the subject may be changed five times in one minute. 
  • 6. Volunteers for anything. Looks for opportunities to be in charge of projects. 
  • 7. A Jezebel lies convincingly. 
  • 8. Ignores peopleA classic ploy of a controller is to ignore you when you disagree with him/her. 
  • 9. Never gives credit or shows gratitude 
  • 10. Criticizes everyone A Jezebel spirit will always upstage another person. He or she feels threatened by anyone who dares to steal the limelight or anyone who is a threat to his/her power and control. 
  • 12. Sequesters information 
  • 13. A Jezebel uses information as a leverage for power and then shares tidbits with you, often things told him/her in confidence. 
  • 14. In a typical conversation, he/she does all the talking. 
  • 15. He or she commonly spiritualizes the situation, explaining it off on God. 
  • 16. Is insubordinate 
  • 17. Is pushy and domineering 
  • 18. Is clairvoyant 
  • 19. Uses the element of surprise 
  • 20. Sows seeds of discord 
  • 21. Commands attention 
  • 22. Is vengeful 
  • 23. Attempts to make you look like you’re the Jezebel 
  • 24. Insinuates disapproval 
  • 25. Knows it all 
  • 26. Is ambitious The Jezebel has strong desire, but all for self. “I want what I want when I want it,” describes his/her worship of self-will. 
  • 27. Gift giving 
  • 28. Is independent.  No one has input in a Jezebel’s life. He or she fraternizes with no one unless it is to get you to “cooperate” with his/her agenda. 
  • 29. Is religious A Jezebel dwells in the local church but doesn’t like authority unless he/she is in the position of authority. 
  • 30. Hides 
  • The above “30 Traits of the Jezebel Spirit” is an excerpt from “Confronting Jezebel: Discerning and Defeating the Spirit of Control” by Steve Sampson (pages 62-68) 

Kundalini Spirit 
  • These spirits are prophetic, offer visions, dreams, and feelings of peace. They can even look like the Holy Spirit. Only the most discerning are seeing it. 
  • Kundalini is an anti-Christ spiritual counterfeit of the Holy Ghost. 
  • Yoga teaches the coiled serpent is located in the spine and through chanting, will awaken the serpent, (Kundalini awakening), traveling up the spine until entering an esoteric state (becoming one with the god self). In that state of union with the self, some see visions, hear voices, prophesy and are overcome by a sense of spiritual awareness. 
  • Some of the more common signs and symptoms of an awakened Kundalini include: 
  • Involuntary jerks, tremors, shaking, itching, tingling, and crawling sensations, especially in the arms and legs. 
  • Energy rushes or feelings of electricity circulating the body. 
  • Intense heat (sweating) or cold, especially as energy is experienced passing through the chakras. 
  • Spontaneous pranayama (rapid breathing or hyperventilation), asanas (positions), mudras (hand movements) and bandhas (stiffening of the muscles). 
  • Visions or sounds at times associated with a particular chakra (mystic visions and prophecy). 
  • Diminished sexual desire or a state of constant orgasm. 
  • Emotional purging in which particular emotions become dominant (uncontrollable) for short periods of time. 
  • Depression 
  • Pressure inside the skull and headache 
  • Bliss, feelings of infinite love and universal connectedness, transcendent awareness. 
  • Awakening the Kundalini is the expression used by mystics, Hindu gurus and New Agers for the practice of focusing on a 'serpent spirit' which, they say, resides in each one of us in the form of a coiled snake located at the base of the spine. Through meditation and physical body positioning the aim is to 'raise the Kundalini' through a total of seven spiritual waypoints – called 'Chakras' – located along the spine. 

Word of Faith movement 
  • Word of Faith teaching is decidedly unbiblical. It is not a denomination and does not have a formal organization or hierarchy. Instead, it is a movement that is heavily influenced by a number of high-profile pastors and teachers such as Kenneth Hagin, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Paul and Jan Crouch, and Fred Price. 
  • The Word of Faith movement grew out of the Pentecostal movement in the late 20th century. Its founder was E. W. Kenyon, who studied the metaphysical New Thought teachings of Phineas Quimby. Mind science (where "name it and claim it" originated) was combined with Pentecostalism, resulting in a peculiar mix of orthodox Christianity and mysticism. Kenneth Hagin, in turn, studied under E. W. Kenyon and made the Word of Faith movement what it is today. 
  • At the heart of the Word of Faith movement is the belief in the "force of faith." It is believed words can be used to manipulate the faith-force, and thus actually create what they believe Scripture promises (health and wealth). Laws supposedly governing the faith-force are said to operate independently of God's sovereign will and that God Himself is subject to these laws. This is nothing short of idolatry, turning our faith—and by extension ourselves—into god. 
  • From here, its theology just strays further and further from Scripture: it claims that God created human beings in His literal, physical image as little gods. Before the fall, humans had the potential to call things into existence by using the faith-force. 
  • As little gods we again have the ability to manipulate the faith-force and become prosperous in all areas of life. Illness, sin, and failure are the result of a lack of faith, and are remedied by confession—claiming God's promises for oneself into existence. 
  • Personal revelation, not Scripture, is highly relied upon in order to come up with such absurd beliefs, which is just one more proof of its heretical nature. 

Nicolaitans (Rev. 2:15) 
  • Led life of self-indulgence 
  • Teaches perverted grace and replaced liberty with license 
  • An attitude of lawlessness 
  • Compromise with the world culture 
  • Teaches that separation between Christianity and occult paganism not essential 
  • Teaches that Christ is one of many acceptable types of faith (many ways to God) 
  • Today’s Church and Nicolaitans 
  • No emphasis on living holy and separate from the world 
  • Inclusivity 
  • No emphasis on the doctrinal teaching of the Bible 
  • Progressiveness 
  • The idea that the Bible is too restrictive or exclusive of other’s beliefs 
  • Sound doctrine replaced by social action, social justice and an attempt to make people feel better about themselves 
  • We end up with “politically correct” instruction instead of sound doctrine 
  • No emphasis on absolute truth or absolute Biblical morality 
  • Open mindedness 
  • No exclusionary belief that Christ is the Way to Heaven 
  • Tolerance 
  • Everyone has a piece of the truth thus making Christianity “a truth” among many truths 
  • This leads to “universalism” or the belief the everyone will eventually be reconciled to God 
  • A prominent heretical movement of the 2nd-century Christian Church, partly of pre-Christian origin. Gnostic doctrine taught that the world was created and ruled by a lesser divinity, the demiurge, and that Christ was an emissary of the remote supreme divine being, esoteric knowledge (gnosis) of whom enabled the redemption of the human spirit. 
  • Says God and man are equals 
  • Gnosticism is based on two false premises. First, it espouses a dualism regarding spirit and matter. Gnostics assert that matter is inherently evil and spirit is good. As a result of this presupposition, Gnostics believe anything done in the body, even the grossest sin, has no meaning because real life exists in the spirit realm only. 
  • Gnostics claim to possess an elevated knowledge, a “higher truth” known only to a certain few. Gnostics claim to possess a higher knowledge, not from the Bible, but acquired on some mystical higher plane of existence. Gnostics see themselves as a privileged class elevated above everybody else by their higher, deeper knowledge of God. 
  • Gnosticism teaches that salvation is gained through the acquisition of divine knowledge which frees one from the illusions of darkness. 
  • The Gnostics use a variety of early heretical writings known as the Gnostic gospels, a collection of forgeries claiming to be “lost books of the Bible.” 
  • The Gnostics believe that Jesus’ physical body was not real, but only “seemed” to be physical, and that His spirit descended upon Him at His baptism, but left Him just before His crucifixion. 
  • Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society, wrote extensively on Gnostic ideas. 
  • Carl Gustav Jung evinced a special interest in Gnosticism from at least 1912, 
  • The 1999 film The Matrix has substantial references to Gnostic Christianity.[33] 
  • Gnosticism had a strong following of people who believed that there were two demigods, light and dark, or good and evil that were constantly at battle, but more than that, they were equal. Any form of Christianity that gives the devil or evil just as much power as God or good is influenced by this heretical tenet of Gnosticism. 
  • Theosophy, Anthroposophy, Alice Bailey’s Arcane School, Guy and Edna Ballard’s I Am movement, and Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s Church Universal and Triumphant, the Rosicrucians share an emphasis on esoteric teaching, the hidden divinity of humanity, and contact with nonmaterial higher beings called masters or adepts. 
  • Gnostics believed that there were actually two Gods, and that the God of the Jews was an evil or ignorant creator who deceived people. One Gnostic text calls the Hebrew patriarchs a "joke"! Because of this, Gnostics interpreted the Jewish Scriptures in ways that seem very strange to us. For example, many believed that Eve was right to take the serpent's advice and eat from the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden. 
  • It is a means of taking an interior journey to find one's "self." Modern Gnosticism is more closely related to psychology, linguistic philosophy and anthropology then it is with religion. 
  • The Christian understands gnosis in a way that is meaningless, and a scandal to the gnostic. The Word, to the gnostic, is only ever a metaphor for somewhere-other-than-what it says, somewhere-other-than-here. The Word, for the Christian, evokes the reality of a love that underlies all existence, that chooses to manifest Itself in solidarity with the here-and-now. 
  • To say, as many do, that Gnostics (as the term is commonly and historically understood) and Christians believe in the same thing is patently not true. One doesn't even have to look to Christian doctrine, but the Jewish scriptures and Hebraic anthropology - Gnosticism is 'real' dualism, or a 'real' monism - whereas in Judaism, and Christianity  dualism is only ever relative - man is a corporate being, body and soul. 
1. The sovereignty of the Triune God is the starting point, and this God speaks through His infallible Word. 
1. The sovereignty of man and the state is the starting point, and it is the word of scientific, elite man which we must heed. 
2. We must accept God as God. He is alone Lord. 
2. Man is his own god, choosing or determining for himself what constitutes good and evil (Gen. 3:5). 
3. God's Word and Person is the Truth. 
3. Truth is pragmatic and existential: it is what we find works and is helpful to us. 
4. Education is into God's truth in every realm. 
4. Education is the self-realization and self-development of the child. 
5. Education is discipline under a body of truth. This body of truth grows with research and study, but truth is objective and God-given. We begin by presupposing God and His Word. 
5. Education is freedom from restraint and from any idea of truth outside of us. We are the standard, not something outside of man. 
6. Godly standards grade us. We must measure up to them. The teacher grades the pupil. 
6. The school and the world must measure up to the pupil's needs. The pupil grades the teacher. 
7. Man's will and the child's will must be broken to God's purpose. Man must be remade, reborn by God's grace. 
7. Society must be broken and remade to man's will and the child's will is sacred. 
8. Man's problem is sin. Man must be recreated by God. 
8. Man's problem is society. Society must be recreated by man. 
9. The family is God's basic institution. 

9. The family is obsolete. The individual or the state is basic. 

Modern Humanism  
Religious Foundations 

Humanism claims to be "a philosophical, religious, and moral point of view." It is a religion based on naturalism, rationalism, and scientism. Humanist believe they should formulate a religion relevant to this age. 
Christianity is a philosophical and historical religion based on supernatural revelation and the person and work of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that God alone authorizes what man should believe and do. 

Non-existent and non-relevant. 
A mythological character -  the product of man’s imagination. 
Humanism is therefore atheistic  
Existent and relevant: - First Cause of all effects. 
> Functionally, as creator, provider, lawgiver, judge, redeemer, lord, etc.  
> Characteristically, as faithful, omnipotent sovereign, omniscient, omnibenevolent, personal, holy, true, etc. 

Humanists believe the universe is self-existing, and therefore eternal. All living things are said to evolve by chance in an upward progression. 
Christians believe the universe was created by God and is temporal. All creatures were designed, remain constant, and reproduce after their own kind. 

Humanists believe that man is only physical and temporal, is basically good, and the highest form of evolutionary development; that man is self-sufficient, able to govern himself and save himself from his problems; that man has supreme authority, and is accountable only to himself; that man has no eternal destiny; and that it is unrealistic (insane) to believe in the existence of God. 
Christians believe that man is both physical and spiritual, is a free moral agent, and was created by God in His own image; that man is the best of God’s creation, is a sinner, needs salvation from sin and guidance from God; that man has limited authority, is accountable to God, has an eternal destiny; and that it is not only realistic (sane) to believe in God, but foolish not to believe in God. 

Since reality is perceived to be only natural and only physical, and thought ascertainable only by human reasoning and scientific methodology, then religion must be designed by man using human reasoning and scientific methodology.  
Since reality is perceived to be both physical and spiritual, and both natural and supernatural, then religion is established and presented by God, and reality must be ascertained by man using both natural and divine revelation. 
Humanism requires free inquiry (i. e., being unhampered by divine revelation). It desires maximum individual autonomy. 
Christianity requires knowledge of the word of God and human submission to divine revelation. It produces reverence toward God. 

Since humanists deny that man has a soul, they also deny any eternal destiny of individuals. 
Christians believe every soul has an eternal destiny. Obedient believers go to heaven, whereas unrepentant sinners to hell. 
Religion of humanism desires complete realization of human personality. It seeks the good life in the here and now. 
Christianity seeks salvation from sin, holiness in this present world, and eternal life with God, rather than eternal punishment with Satan. 
Since man is presumed not to be a sinner, the only salvation which humanists think man needs is from his temporal problems, which man is thought able to solve sufficiently.  
Since man is believed to be a sinner, he needs salvation from sin. By obedient faith in Jesus Christ, the sinner receives God’s grace of salvation.  
Humanists believe traditional religions do a disservice to humanity. They consider belief in immortal salvation both illusory and harmful.  
Christians believe humanism unrealistically rejects the supernatural, and leaves humanity unprepared for eternal judgment. 

Humanist religion deifies man  and rejects God.  
Christian religion exalts God  and humbles man. 


  • According to its encyclopedia, Freemasonry claims to be a religion (Encyclopedia, 618, 619)  
  • The rituals to join Freemasonry are the same as those used to become a witch. 
  • Mark carefully the answer on page 618 of the encyclopedia: "THE RELIGION OF FREEMASONRY IS NOT CHRISTIANITY!" 
  • J.S.M. Ward says in Freemasonry: its aims and ideals, “I consider Freemasonry is a significantly organized school of mysticism to be entitled to be called a religion…Freemasonry …taught that each man can by himself, work out his own conception of god and thereby achieve salvation…that thought these paths appear to branch off in various directions, yet they all reach the same ultimate goal, and that to some men, one path is better and to other, another.” 
  • Masonry is simply a repackaging of the second century heresy of Gnosticism. 
  • At the Shrine level (32nd and 33rd degree Masons), the initiate swears a binding oath in the name of "Allah, the God of our Fathers." This might clear up for some why the motif of the Shriners is Islamic (including the crescent moon, star, and sword: the three primary symbols of Islam) and why so many Shrine centers around the world have Arabic names.  
  • The deity spoken of again and again in Masonic writings is JoBulOn (also JoaBulOn), which is a composite god representing Jehovah, Baal, and Osiris 
Prosperity gospel 
  • Goes by many names: the “name it and claim it” gospel, the “blab it and grab it” gospel, the “health and wealth” gospel, the “prosperity gospel,” and “positive confession theology.” 
  • The prosperity gospel teaches that the primary purpose of the Abrahamic covenant was for God to bless Abraham materially. Since believers are now Abraham’s spiritual children, we have inherited these financial blessings. 
  • To support this claim, prosperity teachers appeal to Galatians 3:14, which refers to “the blessings of Abraham [that] come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus.” It’s interesting, however, that in their appeals to Galatians 3:14 these teachers ignore the second half of the verse: “that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” Paul is clearly reminding the Galatians of the spiritual blessing of salvation, not the material blessing of wealth. 
  • The prosperity gospel claims that “both physical healing and financial prosperity have been provided for in the atonement.” 
  • The prosperity gospel’s doctrine of giving is built on faulty motives. Whereas Jesus taught his disciples to “give, hoping for nothing in return” (Luke 6:35), prosperity theologians teach their disciples to give because they will get a great return. 
  • According to prosperity theology, faith is not a God-granted, God-centered act of the will. Rather, it is a humanly wrought spiritual force, directed at God. Indeed, any theology that views faith chiefly as a means to material gain rather than justification before God must be judged inadequate at best. 
  • Certainly, all our requests should be made known to God (e.g., Phil. 4:6), but the prosperity gospel focuses so much on man’s desires that it may lead people to pray selfish, shallow, superficial prayers that don’t bring God glory. Further, when coupled with the prosperity doctrine of faith, this teaching may lead people to attempt to manipulate God to get what they want—a futile task. This is far removed from praying “Your will be done.” 
  • Simply put, if the prosperity gospel is true, grace is obsolete, God is irrelevant, and man is the measure of all things. Whether they’re talking about the Abrahamic covenant, the atonement, giving, faith, or prayer, prosperity teachers turn the relationship between God and man into a quid pro quo transaction. As James Goff noted in a 1990 Christianity Today article, God is “reduced to a kind of ‘cosmic bellhop’ attending to the needs and desires of his creation.” 

Angel Boards and Destiny Cards 
  • These are “dressed up” Ouija boards that strive to appeal to people that may be upset by the Ouija board because it is of the demonic. These Angel Boards fit the bill for those who still wish to contact spirits and they use Christian terminology.  
  • Don’t be fooled by demons in angel disguise. (Peck p. 310) 
  • The use of Destiny Cards is a substitute for going to God directly and is actually a use of Tarot cards with a different name. 

  • Can be found throughout ancient pagan religions. 
  • Rooted in ancient mythologies. (Peck, 331) 
  • Labyrinths, New Age occult prayer walks, and demonic prayer labyrinths are entering Christian churches in North America. 
  • Those promoting prayer and meditation Labyrinths wrongly use a Catholic cathedral, not bible scripture, as historical precedent for their use because the medieval "Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres" outside Paris, France has a prayer Labyrinth. Chartres removes their sanctuary chairs once a month exposing its Labyrinth on the floor to attract pilgrims that walk the Labyrinth with their heads bowed in prayer. 
  • The prayer Labyrinth, also known as a meditation Labyrinth, is used for prayer, religious, mystical rituals, initiations, and for spiritual growth say New Age disciples.  Labyrinth prayer walks are not biblical nor should they be used within the Christian faith. Those that teach their use offer them as “another type of prayer, or prayer in motion.” 
This, I’m sure is not an all-inclusive list of the things happening in the Church of today. It does bring to mind what Jesus said to the Pharisees in Matthew 23:27, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness." Does today’s Church look appealing on the outside, yet are filled with dead men’s bones? What about the times that the Church, in an effort to present the Gospel, encourages people to just add the Gospel teaching to the pagan beliefs they had before? It is not just those in Africa that adapt the Gospel and keep going to the Witchdoctor. What should we do? I would say to begin with prayer and searching the Scriptures. What will YOU do?